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Open Space Commission Minutes 04/08/2011
Town of Old Lyme
Open Space Committee
Meeting Minutes
Friday April 8th, 2011
Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 8:40 am with the OSC members Bruce Baratz, Peter Cable, Ted Kiritsis, and Marriane Godfredson
Executive session- Diana called a motion to go into executive session.  Peter 1st, Marianne 2nd
Old Business- none
Property discussion-
Ames property moving forward to Town Meeting May 16th. Discussion about expenses incurred by the Old Lyme Land Trust. Also, if the OSC over spends budget into next year because of this, the BOF looks positive for helping with expenditures.
Kus property- no news
Broadbrook Development- There is a possibility of foreclosure with little interest from town or others in purchasing the property..
Scenic Easement Plan- Designating areas in sections for a scenic easement on Shore Rd. More to follow.
Trail Booklet- Idea for a Test case with Amanda, Bruce and Marianne on the Bartholomew property on Button Ball. April 13th
Trails- Looking into signage for the ends of the properties stating specific rules.

Land Trust- Trust has a meeting on the 20th to talk more about the Ames property. No acquisitions on the horizon. Concentrating on Stewardship for the trust.
MOTION- OSC, in an effort to facilitate the transfer of the Lohman property to the OLLT, recommends that the Town Of Old Lyme accept the easement when and if offered. Peter 1st the motion and Bob 2nd.
New News- Boys Scout Troop- Blue Bird House project meeting with Tony Lynch.

Meeting adjournment at 10:45am

Respectfully submitted

Teri Lewis, Secretary